Saturday, January 28, 2012

trying oysters...

One of my favorite moments of our recent trip to San Francisco, was watching the kids try oysters for the first time. While eating lunch at the Ferry Building, Evelyn (our resident picky eater) decided to give 'em a go. She put on a brave face, doctored hers up with lemon juice, and then... spit it right out! It was kind of gross to watch someone spit an oyster out. What's even grosser??? JEFFREY ATE IT! Yes, the very same one she spit onto a plate.

I guess that's parenthood? *BLECH*


Of course, James had to show her up. He made a huge effort to look like it was no big deal, but check out his face in that last photo... Hahaha!!! Needless to say, I don't think they'll be trying oysters again for a while.


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